24 December 2020

Proud & grateful: MonitAir finds new investors

Good news: we can report that MonitAir concluded an important round of financing in November 2020. We’re proud and grateful that we can continue to expand together with private investors!

  • 18 January 2022
    Positive business case for MonitAir!
    In 2020, the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) launched a study into the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. In the context of this study, KPMG initially selected three relevant AI solutions from a group of 115 existing AI applications in healthcare. MonitAir was one of these three selected AI applications. Research agency Ecorys was subsequently c
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    Johan Oosterheert Johan Oosterheert
  • 18 December 2021
    Article in the Financial Times about the current situation of COPD patients
    In January 2022, the following article about the current situation of COPD patients was published in the Financial Times: https://www.ft.com/partnercontent/astrazenec/copd-the-biggest-killer-disease-youve-never-heard-of.html. A similar article is available in Dutch on Skipr: https://www.skipr.nl/partnernieuws/de-tijd-voor-copd-is-nu/. MonitAir believes the articles make very clear the extent to wh
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    Johan Oosterheert Johan Oosterheert
  • 29 November 2021
    Publications about MonitAir reach 150,000 healthcare professionals in Europe
    Several articles about MonitAir were published in Health Europa online publications in November 2021, including the following Special Report: https://www.healtheuropa.eu/monitair-empowering-patients-monitor-symptoms-of-copd/111789/ These publications were distributed to more than 150,000 healthcare professionals in Europe, as well as a large group of healthcare professionals in the US, and provide
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    Johan Oosterheert Johan Oosterheert
  • 20 October 2021
    MonitAir assessed as positive by health insurers!
    In October 2021, MonitAir was approached by the Dutch health insurers’ umbrella organisation Zorgverzekeraars Nederland to participate in an assessment. All the health insurers in the Netherlands have challenged Zorgverzekeraars Nederland’s Digital Care Knowledge Centre to accelerate the implementation of digital care (see www.zn.nl/digitalezorg). Using a carefully thought-out process, consist
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    Johan Oosterheert Johan Oosterheert
  • 24 December 2020
    Northern Netherlands PHSE Network officially launched!
    On 23 October 2020, the Northern Netherlands PHSE (Personal Health Software Environment) Network (‘PGO Netwerk Noord’ in Dutch) project kicked off. The Northern Netherlands PHSE Network is a partnership of SMEs, hospitals, care institutions and a health insurer, all based in Friesland, Groningen or Drenthe in the northern Netherlands. PHSE users can link apps, care and health programmes to the
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    Johan Oosterheert Johan Oosterheert
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Downloaded more than 1000 times!

Together with COPD patients and researchers from the Radboudumc in Nijmegen, we worked for a long time on the MonitAir app. We are therefore very pleased that we have won the 2nd prize for the Medical Inspirator Award 2017. The app has already been downloaded more than 1000 times!

  • 1K+

    App downloads

  • 4.000


  • 4.8


  • 2381
