What is COPD?

  • What is COPD?

    COPD is a lung disease which damages the lungs. Patients find breathing more difficult, and they have less energy. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A COPD patient breathes with more difficultly, because their lungs are damaged.

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  • COPD symptoms

    If you suffer from COPD, you often feel short of breath. Inflammation in the lungs causes alveoli to gradually rupture. This causes symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing, as well as weight change and fatigue.

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  • Treatment and medication

    COPD treatment is aimed at drawing up a plan to improve a patient’s quality of life. Before a doctor draws up a treatment plan, they must first determine the stage of the disease. Doctors use the GOLD scale as a reference.

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Downloaded more than 1000 times!

Together with COPD patients and researchers from the Radboudumc in Nijmegen, we worked for a long time on the MonitAir app. We are therefore very pleased that we have won the 2nd prize for the Medical Inspirator Award 2017. The app has already been downloaded more than 1000 times!

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