In collaboration with 4 universities, MonitAir registered a large-scale efficiency project with ZonMw. 15 hospitals and the 3 largest Dutch health insurers signed a letter of intent to participate in this project. Netherlands Lung Alliance (‘Long Alliantie Nederland’) and the Netherlands Lung Fund (‘Longfonds’) are also supporting this project. If the results of using MonitAir predicted by medical literature are confirmed in practice, MonitAir will receive its own reimbursement status, which will represent an important stimulus for the further implementation of MonitAir in healthcare. At the moment, MonitAir is financed from the existing diagnosis-treatment combination (DBC).
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Together with COPD patients and researchers from the Radboudumc in Nijmegen, we worked for a long time on the MonitAir app. We are therefore very pleased that we have won the 2nd prize for the Medical Inspirator Award 2017. The app has already been downloaded more than 1000 times!
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